DynaPass Authentication Glossary

Posts Tagged ‘EMR’

Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

Patient data that once was stored in file cabinets on paper is now put into an electronic medical record or EMR. Patient healthcare information in an EMR can be stored, transmitted and access by healthcare facilities allowing them to offer patient support remotely as well as work together with other physicians. Electronic medical records security is created through government regulatory compliance of the healthcare facilities.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act known as HIPAA for short is a set of government regulations for healthcare patient privacy. Created in 1996 the act requires certain precautions be taken when storing, transferring or accessing confidential patient data. Electronic medical records (EMR) have been causing the HIPAA Security Rule guidelines to expand due to new technology and new forms of data breech.

See DynaPass HIPAA Compliance
See DynaPass Two-Factor Authentication